Image not showing in phpRAD Vue in local production hosting

I have deployed my phpRAD Vue app in localhost production using xampp. No image is showing now. What can I do?


You mean profile picture?
I have the same issue.

Please - try to fineture database table responsible for picture - set it to varchar 255. This can be also connected to folder permission - do you have xammp in default dir or custom?

Issue is strange - in my case sometime it works, sometime it dont.

No I want to show logo in pdf print from asset file.

@phrmst if you want to modify the report layout, you can find it here {Project Root}\php-laravel-api\resources\views\layouts.

Yes, I found it. But how can I show image path here. I use below but no image is showing.

<img sec="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" />

Any idea?

it seems your HTML code is wrong, try the code below, and if it doesn’t work, it means the export plugin does not support images.

<img src="{{ asset('images/logo.png') }}" />

I’m with the same problem.

My App PHPRad Classic 2.7.3 showing the images in local mode but they don’t show in the web site.

Please, what Can I do to solve it?

No errors occur when I select the image in application. But the image path is not saved in the database and the image is not saved in the \uploads\files folder.

What Can I do to solve it?

@oribeiro Try a different app on that same hosting and see if you are able to upload files, if you are not able to upload files the issue has to do with your host. And please use this forum PHPRad Classic Initial 2.7.3 Forum - Index for issues concerning PHPRad Classic 2.7.3.