Publicação projeto PHP Quasar Vue

Your issue is with the API link, you are using the wrong link. I have already mentioned this issue in this topic Publishing your Radsystems Project - #21 by willvin.

PHPRad Vue API entry point is in “{API folder}/public”. Like I said in the video, if you use a subdomain, point it to the “public” folder in the API folder.

if you are using localhost and you placed your API folder in the root of your server, you will have to access it this way:

http://localhost/{api folder}/public/

For example, let’s say I have placed my laravel API in a folder called api, in my local server’s www folder for laragon and wamp or htdocs folder for xampp my quasar config file for API_URL and API_PATH will look like below.

env: {
	APP_NAME: 'QRcode Reader (Vue) 5.1',
	API_URL: 'http://localhost/api/public/',
	API_PATH: 'http://localhost/api/public/api/'

and my frontend URL will look like the link below:

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