Save User Edit data based on userlogin

Hi, could someone can tell me, how to save userlogin as user edit data.

I can save user create data using default value of that column with check in AddPage. But it can’t work in EditPage (I want to save userlogin that edit data).

#sorry my english bad

That is the right way to do it, but you have to make sure you have configured Authentication at least.

hi, I had already reported this bug, in the edit pages the default values do not work and are not inserted but no solution has been provided

Hi willvin. Do you have solution about my question?, because in the edit pages the default values do not work and are not inserted/updated. Maybe update controller or something.

Use the Page Events and write a query to update the user on AfterUpdate.

DB::table('table')->where('id', $rec_id)->update(['user field for the table' => auth()->user()->kd_user]);

Thankyou, I will try it