Authentication Issue

I´m a new licensed Radsystems user.

I developed an application using LARAVEL, BOOTSTRAP with POSTGRESQL and, through trial and error, managed to retrieve the logged-in user’s ID and photo from the desired table.

My application is ready, but I’m facing an issue that I can’t solve. I watched an authentication tutorial on Radsystems( It works perfectly, but when I create a user account in the database and log off, I can no longer log in with the registered username and password. The application shows an error message that the credentials are incorrect.

I need to deliver the application, and I haven’t been able to figure out how to fix the problem yet. The application was developed using a PostgreSQL database, Laravel, and Bootstrap. I hope and waiting for prompt guidance.


How possible to is to turn the user image on header with round edges?

Roberto Reis

HI, My main question is about how to deal with autheticatoin that is not working after you create an user account.

Second is about the application. Where we may set the imagem on header to have round corners

hi there! the problem is that when a new user is created, the password when hashed can be longer than 50 characters which is the default max characters in the db, so in your database, go to the password field and increase the varchar character size to say 255, or just make the datatype text instead of varchar, that should work

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Hi Wahome,
Thank you for your response.

The first password field setup was Character Varying(255) and its was not working.

Based on you response i change it to TEXT

I review the Role Table and Permission Table and both are working accordingly.

I set the user_role_id ton UserRegister Page to be 2 ( Role User)

So I publish the project , create a new user . It Works. But when i try to logoff and LogON it is not possible to Logon again.

The database is correct.

The question is we do not have documentation to solve this issue. I am stuck. I don´t now how to do but try an error.

I have to delivery this application to a customer and i am not allowed to.

I also recreate the application using Quasar and i have the same issue.
The application is working. But only is not possibe to LOGON

One more thing: Radsystems might adjust the image from user at header. All images are ellegant with round edges except the one with sharp edges

Thank you Wahome-muthahi100 . I hope the technical guys from Radsystems may provide a brief solution sooner.


RReis .'.

thats how you solve that problem! anyway, you can message me with a google meeting link and we can go through it

Hi Wahome-mutahi100, how are you?
I received guidance from Mr. Ruturaj Patki.
The attributes of the user table must be in “English”.
I made the correction, and now it is working.
Thank you for your help.
Roberto Reis .'.

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awesome.glad it worked !

Pues no veo mucha ayuda tengo el mismo problema y el foro es algo lento para responder