Button link not show if added parameters to link

I tried to add a link button inside the “Page Design” section to call an add page in my case soci/add.
I need to pass to this page the id of the current record so I added this value to the link so I wrote the link
When I published the project the button disappear from the page.
I opened the source and I saw the code did’t include the code for the button.
When I removed the parameter ?idlibrosoci={$data[‘id’]} the button was showed.
If I edit the code and add the parameter inside to the string of the link

<a class=“btn btn-primary” href="<?php print_link("soci/add?idlibrosoci={$data['id']}") ?>"

the button is show and the parameter is pass in the right way.

Is there any way to do this feature without edit the code?

Thank you

@LucaM what module of radsystems are you using?

PHPRad Classic. The problem is present in 5.1.4 and 6.0.8 version.