Connection to Timed Out

I have set the email in the project settings according to the email server settings, when the email function is used, in this case for example in the forgot password form, an error display occurs as attached. Please help everyone

This means it could not connect to your mail server. Make sure you are using the right email settings for your server. Follow the instructions given to you by your hosting provider, on how to set up smtp.

I have done according to the server settings, but still can’t send email, when I create it with native php it works.

when I use port 587, the problem appears like this: "Expected response code 250 but got code “550”, with message “550 Access denied - Invalid HELO name (See RFC2821”

And when I changed the .inv file in the MAIL_ENCRYPTION=nullLL section to MAIL_ENCRYPTION=ssl, it successfully sent the email, in this case I successfully sent a password reset email.

Then when I click the url link that I got from the password reset email, namely “http://localhost:8050/?nexturl=/resetpassword?token=…” but why what appears is the login form? shouldn’t it display the resetpassword form? attached example

It should, but it seems you need to be logged in before you can change the password, from what I can see based on the URL.

Do you mean that the user must remember the old password in order to reset the password?

I have the same problem, have you resolved it? @hendryres @willvin

Solved, we need to make sure the database migration was successful, look in the database/migrations folder.