Duplicate or Add New Page of "View" throws an error message on Controller::masterDetail()

I wanted to duplicate or create a new page of the View for the purpose of separating members and admins what to do on the specific view page. However, the duplicate or a created New Page of the View throws an error message on the list page that relates with the master detail page. When I checked the error, it duplicates the master detail function in the control class. The name of the View is different but the function created for the new View page is the same. Here is what it shows:
* Display Master Detail Pages
* @param string $rec_id //master record id
* @return \Illuminate\View\View
function masterDetail($rec_id = null){
return View(“pages.members.detail-pages”, [“masterRecordId” => $rec_id]);

* Display Master Detail Pages
* @param string $rec_id //master record id
* @return \Illuminate\View\View
function masterDetail($rec_id = null){
return View(“pages.members.detail-pages”, [“masterRecordId” => $rec_id]);

You can easily duplicate this issue if you attempt to duplicate of the “VIew” page that is already set with Mater Detail Relations.

The error message on the page is as follows:
Cannot redeclare App\Http\Controllers\MembersController::masterDetail()

Can someone help on this? I need help as this block me to continue further work because most of the tables require to do the same like this.
Thanks in advance,

I purchased the license two months ago after a month trial. It is very expensive for individual to buy but I sacrificed since I run out of the trial period. However, I have stuck in my project due to the issue mentioned above and posted my question here to get help. So far no response. I have been attempting to resolve the issue by going to the component location of the page and delete the duplicated function every time i publish the project. This is time consuming for developers where you software can easily handle such issues. During publishing the project, if a file has a change, it can possible generate what it changes during publishing and the newly created file should be recreated by verifying each function shouldn’t be duplicated. You can fix this issue in your case or you give me a better way to manage this.

Can you please help on this even if there is no solution for it, say something?