Dynamic form row variable not work

Hi all, using the redirect view / $ rec_id function of the add page in combination with the dynamic insertion form, the variables are not recognized generating an error.
Using the add form in vertical or orizontal mode, the variable is passed regularly to the redirect page

@TERzo please properly describe what you mean, if possible with screenshots. As I don’t understand your question.

'll try to be clearer.
In an ADD page I choose to use dynamicyablerow and the option to redirect after insertion by appending a variable to the link eg. group_members / view / $rec_id, the variable “$rec_id” or any other variable is not recognized. Cattura

@TERzo this is not supported, because there are multiple records being added, and the $rec_id variable either contains multiple IDs which is an array, or a result that is not an ID and you can not use it to redirect. you either have to use the vertical/horizontal form, find a way to get only a single ID from the inserted record or you avoid it totally.