Error loading image

Radsystems 8.7.4

I’ m using Laravel and Bootstrap and when I try to change my profile picture I get this error: Class “Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic” not found

Is this a new project on 8.7.4 or you continued an old project in 8.7.4?
If it is an old project, publish it to a different folder to get the right code.

I have tried it on new projects and the same thing happens. I already reported it to Radsystem website support and they told me that they would correct this in future versions.

Hello @wizardigitalpro,

The issue you’re encountering occurs because the Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic class has been deprecated and removed in Laravel 11. Instead, you need to update your implementation to use Intervention\Image\ImageManager with an instance-based approach.

To resolve this, you need to adjust the Uploader.php file in the \app\Helpers folder. Here’s the updated code snippet that works with the new library structure:

Key Changes:

  1. Replace the use of ImageManagerStatic with an instance of ImageManager and its make() method for image processing.
  2. Make sure you use the GD driver or any other driver supported by Intervention\Image.

Steps to Apply the Fix:

  1. Replace the Uploader.php file in \app\Helpers with the code above.
  2. Run composer require intervention/image to ensure the library is properly installed.
  3. Clear the Laravel cache using php artisan config:cache.

After making these changes, you should no longer encounter the error, and your profile picture upload functionality will work as expected.

Now i have more problems!!!

Just wait for an update to fix that. There is a monthly update being released.