How to publish Laravel+Bootstrap without subdomain?

Hello all,
is there a way to publish a simple Laravel+Bootstrap project without subdomains and without compiling with quasar?
I can only upload to subfolder inside the root of the website (eg: /myproject1).
Should I upload all files to the /myproject1/ folder and then point my browser to the /myproject1/public/ folder?
Is there a way to change the top-left link (home) to point to the same home as the side menu? If I don’t have a subdomain, this link points to a page not found (see picture below).


Hi point your domain to /myproject1/public/
or point www. to /myproject1/public/

This a exemple of my Structure

Yes, it’s easy in a local wamp environment.
But how to do this on a shared hosting when you need to pur 3 or 4 projects on it?
I need to create different back-ends on different folders. ie: https://mysite/project1, https://mysite/project2… Etc…
I can’t create subdomains, but only subfolders, using FTP and database.