HowTo. Show sum of values from a table on a dashboard

Id like to show summary of ie. invoices on a dashboard. I know how to build SQL query but I dont know How I can show a result of SQL query.

I am on “Page design” panel but I cant find any any component/widget which show custom values Please help,

@piotr please use the count components are chart components. you will have to write your query to select the data and you can set a field from your as a label or value. Visit Design | Documentation ( to learn more.

Hi Willvin, you recommended the documentation but it does not demonstrate the solution. I’mbhaving the same issue this user raised here. The SQL code is not showing the sum when placed in the record count component

SELECT SUM(eccde_incomp) AS total_eccde_incomp
FROM schlist;

How should this be coded? My desire is to show the sum of the eccde_incomp on the dashboard record count widget, but the code above did not work in radsystems v8.1.6 but the same code works in phprad classic 2.7.x