[laravel+bootstrap] How to publish on shared hosting?

Hello all,
I was using PhpRad 2.7.3 before and now I need to use radsystem 7.1.2.
I created a sample project (laravel + bootstrap) and published on my wamp64 server locally. It works.
I noticed that you need to run the index.php file in the public folder to make this work.
Now I need to put this project on a hosted space. I already created the database on the server but now?
What files do I need to put on the server?
I can create a MyProject folder on the root of my webspace and put all files there (there are 10.000+ files now); with phprad 2 they were 500+…).
But are all these 10.000+ required?

If they are generated with the Radsystems Studio app, they are required by the app.

HI Willvin,
thanks for your reply.
Do you mean all files that appear on the project file list (see attached image)? or all published files?

It seems that not all files are listed here; i.e.: the /public/index.php is not there.
I think I need to edit the “.env” file and update the DB connection; is this right?

Yes, not all files are listed there. And I meant all published files.