Message = Argument 'Index' is not a valid value. ParamName =

what does this error mean?
Message = Argument ‘Index’ is not a valid value.
ParamName =
Data = System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
InnerException =
TargetSite = System.Object get_Item(System.String)
StackTrace = at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.get_Item(String Key)
at RadSystems.PHPRadClassicLaravelEngine.BuildMasterDetailBtn(RecordDetailRelation rd)
at RadSystems.PHPRadClassicLaravelEngine.GenerateViewCode(ActionPage& page)
HelpLink =
Source = Microsoft.VisualBasic
HResult = -2147024809

What was the configuration you did before getting this error?

I think nothing just make table join

I just checked that no such error. this happens sometimes when you do an incomplete configuration and click on an okay button or publish button.