Page Custom Validation

Good morning everyone, does anyone have an example on how to use Page Custom Validation.

In particular the use of $modeldata

private function validateAddPage($modeldata){
//validation logic here
return null;

On a practical example of validation of a duplicate check.

Custom validation already has an explanation on what to do. It say return a string if your validation fail and return null if your validation is successful. The string you need to return is the error message. $model data contains the current record you are trying to add, so it’s for you to write your logic to do your test and then return the response accordingly.

Thanks for the prompt response, I tried with the classic Laravel logic but I was asking for a minimum example to understand exactly how to adapt the logic to Radsystems and get to personalizing with a message.
This is the very simple code used but it doesn’t work

private function validateAddPage($modeldata){
//validation logic here $modeldata[‘id_accessorio’] => ‘required|unique:accessoriobbligatori’
return null; }

private function validateAddPage($modeldata){
    //validation logic here
    $error_message = null;
    if($modeldata['example_field'] == null) {
        $error_message = "example_field is empty, please make sure you fill example_field as it is required";

    return $error_message;

works great thanks, but it doesn’t solve my problem of looking for duplicates in dynamic row insertion.
Thanks anyway for your availability