Publish Project error Index was outside the bounds of the array

when i publish Project i get error on log, any body helpme?.. why

Message = Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Data = System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
InnerException =
TargetSite = System.String ToCamelCase(System.String)
StackTrace = at RadSystems.AppFunc.ToCamelCase(String s)
at RadSystems.RadModule.GetLocaleKeyName(String Phrase)
at RadSystems.RadModule.SetLocalPhrase(String Phrase)
at RadSystems.RadModule.SetDefaultTranslation(String Phrase)
at RadSystems.PHPRadClassicLaravelEngine.AddToAppMenusList(String MenuName, ComponentDataSource FieldDataSource)
at RadSystems.PHPRadClassicLaravelEngine.GenerateViewCode(ActionPage& page)
HelpLink =
Source = RadSystems
HResult = -2146233080

Hi Saifulu, Did you get this problem resolved? I am also facing the same problem.