Publish to production in phprad vue to desktop app

Hi, I have a problem when i want to publish to production my project in phprad vue to desktop app.

it says that cant reading version. can you help me? i use radsystem version 7.1.0

Hi, this is due to the version of node js you are using. Try downgrading to Nodejs version 14 or 16.

Hi willvin, thanks for your response
I use node js version 16.16.0, do i need to change my version again?

I try downgrade my node version to 14.20.0 with npm 8.11.0 and npm 6.14.17 but still got error with some additional words

I try with node 16.15.1 and npm 8.11.0 but stil got error, maybe if in your version can do it, may i know the version what you use?

Ohh i solved this problem.

first, i try to publish may new project
it will publish in spa automatically, then just close the all cmd

after that check list in publish to production, then choose desktop app
wait until the all cmd finish. there are 2 cmd that show error like this:

Just close all cmd.
and then re-publish the project, and voilaa

I dont know why i cant publish in desktop first to get publish in production success. maybe i got wrong, or this is bug? cmiiw and thanks

fyi i use radsystem 7.1.0, node js 16.15.1, and npm 8.11.0

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