Unable to complete the request. Error processing the request! [Solved]

Hello, I am making time to collaborate with the project. I would like to try Node JS , I love it because it allows multiple simultaneous users. The error it gives is once the app is running well on localhost:8050 , the menus appear, but when you want to add data or display existing throws that error in the title. i was Check the environment variables too.

I added to package.json
“scripts”: { “serve”: “nodemon server.js”, “start”: “./node_modules/.bin/nodemon app.js --delay 2 -e js” } }
to solve error messages
Now run Nodemon fine , but still cannot show the data records

Please check your node js console to see the error message.
Maybe the requesting is being rejected by the database.

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Ok thanks emman ill do that and feed back

I fixed the path in package.json and work fine!

“scripts”: { “start”: “nodemon app.js --delay 2 -e js” } }

I was installed nodemon as global, can request from any folder.

If your path lost from something, i added a nd.bat into folder project
with the same command, works the same.
nodemon app.js --delay 2 -e js

Thanks Emann :ok_hand: